Nada como ter um local onde deixar o seu pensamento, sua marca, seu grito, seu silêncio. Cansei de carregar agendas, cadernos, rascunhos, prefiro hoje o Blog. Deixando aqui meu ultimo suspiro de cada dia.
segunda-feira, 4 de julho de 2011
Not Necessary
Ifyou are wanting toread something interesting, humorous, or justasimple reading, my advice istofollowthe otherposts.Digresshereonapeculiar feelingthat made methoughtful.
After much thought, I find myselfdepressed.Takingmedications.Alone.I do notthink it'saproblem, I havethis feelingof lonelinessalways,just todayI share mymalaise.The desireto staysomewhere thatthere is nothing,no one, nothing around,remain staticin a holewhere no one canfind me.I need a placewhere there don't needs tosmile,talk,create,or justexist.
I want disappearfor a while,and if possible,never to appear.Mycreativitydoes not exist, nobody knows wheremy friendsare andthose whoare close,so close thatarelostin the usual, where onlyonemyimprisonmentis ignoredby hisdating andpartying.And in the holiday season,isso much easier toignore the ignorable,as simpleas breathing.
Until who we loveandlove usdo not realizethe gravity thatdoesleave a personwho feels alone,leave italonereally,without the slightestattention.Nogood morningor goodnight, withoutaphone callormessage,withoutan email orsmoke signal. Nothing.
What kind of willyou haveto leave homeif there's nobodyto talk, ornowhereinteresting togo, orwhetherwhat wedo.
I have nodesire to do anything.I do not wantread,hear,speak.
I thinkif Iwould go away,if someonemiss me,if someonecry forme.
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